Lawn Sprinklers Waste Time and Money for Freshly Planted Trees and Shrubs

Sprinklers work great for established, older plants. They are not ideal for newly planted trees and shrubs. When working with a new client, I emphasize watering the new plants almost daily. I worry when the client tells me “no sweat, I have a sprinkler system. The new tree will be fine.”

Soak the ground next to the stems. Be wary of sprinklers wasting water away from the roots.

Soak the ground next to the stems. Be wary of sprinklers wasting water away from the roots.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love automation and low maintenance lawn and shrub care. But sprinklers can create false confidence.

Lawn sprinklers are designed to irrigate a specific area consistently. The problem lies in the fact that new plants need all the water at the root ball. Not near the sprinkler and not in the grass outside the root zone.  Only at the roots and at the root’s edge. Remember to soak and allow the soil to dry.

Click here to learn how to water plants effectively.

Lawn sprinklers shouldn’t be used everyday. Allow the sprinklers to soak an area thoroughly. Check soil moisture with your finger and a shovel. If the ground is moist several inches deep then allow drying. When the top inch is powder dry, soak the area again.

If you’re unsure how to setup your sprinkler system, I would be happy to help. Water management is critical to succeeding the first time! Please leave a comment below with your best tip on being water-wise.


What is the Best Season to Plant Landscape Trees and Shrubs and Why

The best season to plant trees and shrubs is Fall. Starting in late September until December or until the ground freezes.

If you’ve never planted a tree or shrub before, read this.

This foundation wall was planted Nov. 2013.

This foundation wall was planted Nov. 2013. (Before)

Green velvet boxwood transplanted Fall 2013.

Green velvet boxwood transplanted Fall 2013. (After six months)

Fall planting encourages the roots to grow into the new soil and get a head start for Spring. Fall soil temperature is higher than the air temperature so the roots will continue growing until Frost.

Less irrigation is needed during the fall and dormant season from December to March it’s almost nonexistent. That means less watering work.

What to do when installing in Fall

  • Mulch the plant with pine tree bark, fir bark, or pine straw. This helps lock in moisture
  • Make sure to back fill the hole with loose soil and irrigate the plant to eliminate air pockets
  • Check the soil moisture with your finger right on the root ball. It doesn’t matter anywhere else. Irrigate if needed.

The second best season is Spring, followed by Summer. During the growing season, more water is needed to help the plants through transplant shock toward establishment.

Heck, you can even plant during Winter. Just not when the ground is frozen. Get started today!

You Can Transplant Trees Right Now – If You Follow This Plan

You wake up and hear the birds chirping and the sun is shining outside. It’s spring, FINALLY! After a long cold winter, you get the urge to step outside and create something beautiful with the great outdoors. But, how do you succeed the first time? Follow this no-nonsense plan.

I’ve killed more plants than you’ll ever grow. It’s easy to do. Learn from my mistakes. Timing is critical so follow these five steps to 100% success.

I’ve been there before, it’s a challenge to develop the great habits needed to nurse a tender plant into a new permanent place. It’s unnatural in the first place to move plants. They’re made to stay in one place their entire life. It’s almost comical, but plants are successfully transplanted almost everyday of the year.

Plant Evergreens for Privacy

Plant Evergreens for Privacy


Spring (March – June) is the best time of the year to plant perennials and annuals. Fall is the best time for trees and shrubs. Realistically, you can transplant (install) plants all year long as long as the temperatures outside don’t bother you.

Don’t let the season slow you down. When you’re ready to succeed, you can plant. I’ve installed successfully February – December.

Right Plant in the Right Place

Whether you’re looking for privacy, color, shade, or food, it’s important that sunlight be considered. Installing most plants in a shady location will minimize success rate. Four hours or more of sunlight is recommended for most plants. If you have shade, follow suit with shade tolerant .

It’s crucial that you know what variety goes where. This is the most important reason to contract with a landscape professional or local garden center. If you’re looking to save time, use an internet search engine. Search sun loving tree, or shade tolerant shrub for ideas. I use Google Images all the time for reference. Double check validity because many images are mislabeled.

Dig A Proper Hole

Don’t get in a hurry! Make the hole twice as wide as the root ball. No deeper than the roots is recommended. It’s ok for the container root ball to be 1-3 inches above the soil line. Loosen soil chunks with your hands or shovel as you fill the empty space in the hole. Don’t try to cram a root system into a tiny hole. You’re setting your new transplant up for failure. As you’re filling the hole with loose soil, add water to create a muddy mixture. This eliminates air space and helps the plant avoid transplant shock.

If you have more than one tree or shrubs to install, pace yourself and dig one hole a day.

Soak with Water, then Allow to Dry

After a successful installation, it’s time to provide daily or weekly irrigation. Most plants benefit from moist, well drained soil. Before irrigating your new transplant, feel the root area with your finger. Is it moist? You may not need to water today. Does the root ball feel dry to the touch? If so, irrigate directly to the roots, avoiding the stems and leaves. For larger plants, it’s perfectly fine to lay the water hose at the trunk and slowly drip water over several hours.

Whatever you do, don’t just spray the canopy and expect the plant to thrive. Soak the roots, then allow them to drain. Moisture is critical to your transplant success.

Inoculate with Mycorrhizae

Soil is alive with billions of microscopic organisms. To help your new transplant establish and become a part of the soil food web, purchase mycorrhizae from a local garden center or the internet. Follow the directions on the package and mix with water. Your transplant success rate will increase because mycorrhizae strengthens root systems. It is absent from most new plants at the garden center. Help your new plants and they will thank you later by needing less water and attention.

What successes and mistakes have you made installing trees and shrubs? Let me know in the comments below.